Copyright ©  childhood bilingualism research centre

Research Projects

Virginia Yip

    RGC-funded Projects:

  • ​A predictive personalization approach to enhance foreign language learning and teaching  
    Young Collaborative Research Grant (YCRG) 2023/24, Project reference no.: C4001-23Y 2024-2027 
    PI: Feng Gangyi (CUHK) Co-Is: Z. Mai, G. Ouyang, Y. Song, X. Tong, X. Kang, X. Zhou, V. Yip

  • ​Early childhood development in Hong Kong: a longitudinal study
    Collaborative Research Grant (CRF) Project reference no. : C7098-23GF
    PI: Wen Ming (HKU) Co-PIs: J. Bacon-Shone, C. Lau, J. Li, Y. Tong, L. Tian, X. Wu,  X. Zhou, D. Xu, V. Yip

  • Input and experience in early trilingual development

         GRF project no: 14615820
         PI: Ziyin Mai (CUHK) Co-I: Peggy Mok (CUHK), Wu Zhuang (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies), Virginia Yip (CUHK)

  • The impact of bilingual exposure on the language development of Cantonese-speaking children with Autism Spectrum Disorder 2019-2021                            Project No. UGC/FDS16/H13/19 

         PI: Haoyan Ge (Open University of Hong Kong), Co-I: Virginia Yip (CUHK) and Fang Liu (The University of Reading)

  • Childhood bilingualism and heritage language development 2016-2017 GRF Project no. 14632016 

         PI: Virginia Yip (CUHK), Co-I: Stephen Matthews (HKU)

  • Input conditions and bilingual development in Hong Kong children 2014-2015

          PI: Virginia Yip (CUHK), Co-I: Stephen Matthews (HKU)

  • From Lexicon to Syntax in Childhood Bilingualism 2008-2011

          PI: Virginia Yip (CUHK), Co-I: Stephen Matthews (HKU) and Li Ping (Pennsylvania State University)

  • Rethinking Cantonese grammar: typology, processing and acquisition 2007-2010, RGC Ref. No. HKU748207H

          PI: Stephen Matthews (HKU) Co-I: Virginia Yip (CUHK)

  • Childhood Bilingualism and Second Language Acquisition in Hong Kong Children: 2005-2006, RGC Ref. No. CUHK4692/05H

          PI: Virginia Yip(CUHK) Co-I: Stephen Matthews(HKU), Yasuhiro Shirai(Cornell University)

  • Parsing Principles and Constituent Order in Cantonese : 2004-2006, RGC Ref. No. 7258/04H

          PI: Stephen Matthews(HKU) Co-I: Elaine Francis (Purdue), Conrad Perry(HKU) and V. Yip (CUHK)

  • Cognitive and Brain Processing of the Chinese Language, RGC Central Allocation: 2003-2006

          PI: Li-Hai Tan (HKU) Co-I: C. Perry (HKU), J. Spinks (HKU), G. Shen (UT San Antonio), V. Yip (CUHK) & P. Fox (UT San Antonio)

  • Multimedia Perspectives On Bilingual Development, 2002-05

          PI:V. Yip Co-I: S. Matthews 

  • Universals and Specifics in Reading Development: Speed of Processing, Phonological Awareness, Morphological Awareness, and Home Literacy Environment, 2001-03

          PI: Catherine McBride (CUHK) Co-Investigators: Hua Shu (Beijing Normal University), Richard K.Wagner (Florida State University) and V.Yip 

          PI: V.Yip, Co-I: S.Matthews (HKU) 

  • The Min Dialect of Chaozhou and Comparative Chinese Grammar, 1996-98

          PI: S. Matthews (HKU), Co-I: V. Yip 

          PI: S.Matthews(HKU), Co-I: V. Yip & Huang Yue-Yuan (HKBU) 

  • The Development of Grammatical Competence in the Formal ESL Learning Environment 1992-94

          PI: V.Yip, Co-I: G.Tang 

  • Studies in the Comparative Grammar of English and Cantonese,1992-96

          PI: S. Matthews(HKU), Co-I: V.Yip 

     Other Projects:

  • Community-based Holistic Service Supporting At-risk Families with age 0-2 Children: The ROBI Approach”  
    Funded by Hong Kong Jockey Club Charity Trust 2023-2027

  • Developing teleassessment for trilingual children in Hong Kong: Augmented Reality enhanced intervention 
    Knowledge Transfer Project Fund (KPF) 2021/22   Project code: KPF22REP06
    PI: Virginia Yip, Co-I: Zhou Jiangling, Anna Ma

  • Micro-modules for promoting language acquisition across contexts 
    Courseware Development Grant Scheme 2019-22
    PI: Anna Ma, Co-I: Virginia Yip 

  • Multimodal Child Language Acquisition

         International Network Program funded by the Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education, Denmark
         PI: Costanza Navarreta (University of Copenhagen) Co-I: Patrizia Paggio, Alice Tse (University of Copenhagen)

         International partners: Stephen Matthews (HKU), Virginia Yip (CUHK)

          Knowledge Transfer Project Fund (KPF) 

          PI: Catherine So, Co-I: Rosanna Chan, Virginia Yip

  • Childhood bilingualism and heritage language development 2014-2015 (CUHK Direct Grant)

​          PI: V. Yip  Co-I: Ziyin Mai

  • Computer-Aided Second Language Learning Through Speech-Based Human-Computer Interactions 2009-2011 (CUHK Shun Hing Institute of Advanced Engineering in the area of Multimedia Technologies 2009)

          PI: Helen Meng (CUHK, Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management)

          Co-I: Pauline Lee (CUHK, Independent Learning Centre), Virginia Yip (CUHK, Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages)

  • Language Differentiation in Bilingual Acquisition 2003-2004 (CUHK Direct Grant).

  • Syntactic Categories in Early Bilingual Development 2002-2003 (CUHK Direct Grant).

  • Education Towards Biliteracy and Trilingualism: An Internet Support Project funded by Quality Education Fund

          PI: Kwan Tze-wan (Department of Philosophy, CUHK)

          Co-I:Virginia Yip (Department of MLC, CUHK),Chiang Ying Ho (Department of Chinese Language and Literature)

  • Cyber Discourse: A Linguistic Study on Chat Room Language 2000-2001(CUHK Direct Grant)

  • Minority Languages in Yunnan 2000-2001(CUHK Direct Grant)