Virginia Yip

Copyright ©  childhood bilingualism research centre



Virginia Yip received her BA in Linguistics from the University of Texas at Austin and PhD in Linguistics from the University of Southern California. She is Professor in the Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages. She founded the Childhood Bilingualism Research Centre and co-founded the University of Cambridge-CUHK Joint Laboratory for Bilingualism and currently serves as the Director and Co-Director respectively. She also serves as Director of Chinese University of Hong Kong-Peking University-University System of Taiwan Joint Research Centre for Language and Human Complexity and Co-Director of the Bilingualism and Language Disorders Laboratory at CUHK-Shenzhen Research Institute. From 2011-2014, she served as Chairperson of the Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages at CUHK.

Her research interests include early childhood development, language and cognitive development, bilingualism, bilingual acquisition, second language acquisition, Cantonese, Chaozhou and comparative Chinese grammar, psycholinguistics and cognitive neuroscience. She is the author of 
Interlanguage and Learnability: from Chinese to English (John Benjamins) and co-author of a series of works on Cantonese grammar published by Routledge: Cantonese: A Comprehensive Grammar (which has been translated into Japanese), Basic Cantonese and Intermediate Cantonese. Her monograph  The Bilingual Child: Early Development and Language Contact, co-authored with Stephen Matthews (Cambridge University Press) received the Linguistic Society of America’s Leonard Bloomfield Book Award in 2009. She is one of the editors of Journal of Chinese Linguistics and has served on the editorial board of Bilingualism: Language and CognitionJournal of Child LanguageInternational Journal of BilingualismLanguagesLinguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, Second Language Research and Multilingual Education. She has served as a panel member of the Humanities and Social Sciences panel at the European Research Council. She was a faculty member of the Linguistic Society of America Summer Institute 2015 at University of Chicago and was elected a Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of the Humanities in 2017. She has served as consultant of Singapore Government's Ministry of Education and the Hong Kong Academy of Gifted Education.


其研究興趣包括兒童早期發展、語言及認知發展、雙語研究、雙語習得、二語習得、粵語、潮州話與漢語語法對比、心理語言學和認知神經科學。她著有《中介語及可學性:從漢語到英語》(John Benjamins出版社),同時與馬詩帆教授合著一系列由Routledge出版社出版的粵語語法書,如《廣東話語法》(已翻譯成日文)、《基本粵語》《中級粵語》。其與馬詩帆合著的《雙語兒童:早期發展和語言接觸》(劍橋大學出版社)榮獲2009年度美國語言學學會布龍菲爾德圖書獎(已翻譯成中文)。葉教授現任《中國語言學報》其中一位主編,並任以下學術期刊的編委會成員:Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, Journal of Child LanguageInternational Journal of Bilingualism,Languages, Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, Second Language Research 和 Multilingual Education。她曾任歐洲研究評審會人文社科組成員,在芝加哥大學舉辦的美國語言學學會2015 Summer Institute任教,並於2017年獲選為香港人文學院院士。她曾任新加坡教育部及香港資優教育學苑之顧問。

叶彩燕教授于德克萨斯州大学奥斯汀分校获得语言学学士学位,并于南加州大学获得语言学博士学位,现任香港中文大学语言学及现代语言系教授。叶教授创立了儿童双语研究中心,共同创立了剑桥大学—香港中文大学双语研究联合实验室,分别担任主任及联合主任 。她同时还担任香港中文大学—北京大学—台湾联合大学系统语言与人类复杂系统联合研究中心主任,及香港中文大学深圳研究院双语研究与语言障碍实验室联合主任。2011至2014年,叶教授担任香港中文大学语言学及现代语言系系主任。

其研究兴趣包括双语研究、双语习得、二语习得、粤语、潮州话与汉语语法对比、心理语言学和认知神经科学。她著有《中介语及可学性:从汉语到英语》(John Benjamins出版社),同时与马诗帆教授合著一系列由Routledge出版社出版的粤语语法著述,如《广东话语法》(已翻译成日文)、《基本粤语》《中级粤语》。其与马诗帆合著的《双语儿童:早期发展和语言接触》(剑桥大学出版社)荣获2009年度美国语言学学会布龙菲尔德图书奖(已翻译成中文)。叶教授现任《中国语言学报》的其中一位主编,并任以下学术期刊的编委会成员:Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, Journal of Child Language, International Journal of Bilingualism, Languages, Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, Second Language ResearchMultilingual Education。她曾任欧洲研究评审局人文社科组成员,在芝加哥大学举办的美国语言学学会2015暑期学院任教,并于2017年获选为香港人文学院院士她曾任新加坡教育部及香港资优教育学苑的顾问。