- 2024. Through the Chinese looking glass: from bilingual to trilingual development
Plenary given at the Australian Linguistic Society (ALS 2024) , Australian National University.
- 2023. Toward diversification of bilingual acquisition research: insights from heritage bilingualism.
Plenary given at the 20th anniversary AILA World Congress, Lyon, France.
Abstract in English, French, Spanish and German [Video]
- 2023. Translanguaging in bilingual children: evidence from MLU in mixed utterances.
Invited talk given at the Bilingualism Research Laboratory, Western Sydney University, Sydney, Australia.
- 2023. Bilingual and trilingual children’s early language development: a corpus-based approach.
Invited talk given at the University of Science, Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia.
- 2022. Language diversity and bilingual first language acquisition. Keynote speech given at the Conference on Advances in Second/ Foreign Language Acquisition (ASeFoLA), University of Nicosia, Cyprus.
- 2020. Childhood bilingualism and heritage language development.
Keynote speech to be presented at the International Workshop on Language Acquisition in Copenhagen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
(rescheduled to 2021 due to COVID-19)
- 2020. Heritage language development and maintenance.
Keynote to be presented speech to be presented at the Conference on Chinese Language Education in the South Pacific, New Zealand
(rescheduled to 2021 due to COVID-19)
- 2019. How do heritage children in the US develop bilingualism?
Keynote speech given at the Second Language Acquisition Research Forum. 第五届中国第二语言习得研究高端论坛 Peking University, PRC.
November 2019.
- 2019. Heritage language acquisition and maintenance in Chinese heritage families.
Keynote speech given at The Fifth Biennial Colloquium of the Languages & Cultures Network of Australian Universities (LCNAU, Australia, 2019)
- 2019. The acquisition of Chinese in bilingual and multilingual contexts.
Keynote speech given at the International Symposium on Monolingual and Speech (ISMBS 3), Crete, Greece.
- 2019. The Child Heritage Chinese Corpus: Issues and Methods.
Keynote speech given at the Conference on the Acquisition of Chinese in Bilingual and Multilingual Contexts (ACBM2019), University of Cambridge, UK.
- 2019. Childhood bilingualism in homeland and heritage contexts.
Keynote speech given at the International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB12), University of Alberta, Canada (2019).
- 2019. Ancestry and Identity in Chinese heritage families.
Keynote speech given at the Symposium on Ancestry and Language. University of Sydney, Australia.
- 2019. Realizing children’s bilingual potential in the early years.
Keynote speech given at the Second Liangjiatan International Education Forum, Xi’an, PRC.
- 2018. The blessings of bilingualism.
Keynote speech given at the Symposium on Childhood Bilingualism and Heritage Language Acquisition, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
- 2017. Nurturing bilingual children and preserving our heritage.
Keynote speech given at the International Conference on Bilingualism: Language and Heritage, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
- 2017. Assessing Hong Kong children's bilingual and trilingual proficiency.
Keynote speech given at the Conference on Assessing World’s Languages, University of Macau.
- 2016. The acquisition of Cantonese in bilingual contexts.
Keynote speech given at The 3rd Workshop on Innovations in Cantonese Linguistics (WICL-3), Ohio State University, USA.
- 2016. Simultaneous language acquisition: through the Chinese looking glass.
Keynote speech given at the Conference on Chinese as a Second Language, Peking University.
- 2016. The blessings of bilingualism.
Keynote speech given at Fudan University, PRC.
- 2015. Input and bilingual development: a perspective from code-mixing.
Keynote speech given at The 3rd International Conference of the Psycholinguistics Association of China, Nanjing Normal University, PRC.
- 2015. The acquisition of Chinese in bilingual children.
Keynote speech given at the 4th International Conference on Teaching and Learning of Chinese as a Second Language, (TLCSL4),
organized by Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
- 2015. Developing two first languages in childhood.
Keynote speech given at the China-Australia Symposium on Bilingualism, Jinan University, PRC.
- 2014. Crosslinguistic influence in bilingual acquisition.
Keynote speech given at The 2nd Symposium/Workshop on Bilingualism and Intercultural Communication, University of Western Sydney, Australia.
- 2013. Theoretical issues in bilingual development.
Keynote speech given at The 1st Symposium/Workshop on Bilingualism and Intercultural Communication, University of Western Sydney, Australia.
- 2011. One child, two languages: Chinese windows on bilingual development.
Keynote speech given at the Inaugural Conference of the Chinese Association of Psycholinguistics at Guangdong Foreign Studies University.
- 2007.The logical problem of bilingual acquisition.
Keynote speech given at the International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB6) in Hamburg, Germany.
- 2004. Bilingual child language acquisition.
Keynote speech given at the First National Symposium on Second Language Acquisition at the Centre for Linguistics and Applied Linguistics,
Guangdong University of Foreign Studies.
- 2002. Yip, V. 2002. Early syntactic development in Cantonese-English bilingual children.
Keynote speech delivered at the 9th International Symposium on Contemporary Linguistics in China, organized by the Chinese Academy of
Social Sciences 中國社會科學院語言所and Beijing Foreign Studies University, 北京外語學院, PRC.